Ephraim J. Jackson
Mary Ann Lowrance
Julius Caesar French
Mary Ellen Edwards
Logan Henry Jackson
Irene I. French

Leona Hope Jackson


Family Links

1. Freeman Earl Rathbun

Leona Hope Jackson 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

  • Born: 27 Jan 1925, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States 7 8 9 13 17
  • Marriage (1): Freeman Earl Rathbun on 13 Feb 1945 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States 1 2 3
  • Died: 29 Oct 2007, The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon, United States at age 82 13 14 15 18
  • Crem.: 31 Oct 2007, The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon, United States

   Cause of her death was Undetermined Natural Causes.

  Noted events in her life were:

• Religion: Jehovah's Witness.

• Residence: West 19th Street, 1930, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 12 Transcribed from the diary of Leona Hope Rathbun.
Earliest memories was when we lived on West 19th Street , a block from the railroad crossing. Across street was a deep hole left by a construction excavation of gravel. The hoboes hung out there so we were warned not to go over there to play.
We had a swing in the yard. It rained one day, and left a mud puddle under the swing. I went for a swing and thought I could miss the mud puddle. But guess what? Dear old mom (me) fell flat out of that swing right into the middle of that mud puddle!
We lived in a two story house. Its still there. Mozelle and I slept in one room, the boys in the other room. Our light had a short in it. I remember standing on the bed. Mozelle was there on the bed too. We reached up and took the light out of the socket. In went a little finger. Ouch. It got bite. Out it came in a hurry. No the switch wasn't on. Just enough juice came through the socket that it bit. We got scared. Put the light back and got out of that room in a hurry. I was about 5 at them.
Another time it really thundered and the lightening really flew. All of a sudden down came a bolt right into a farmers field a half mile from the house. From that day I developed my fear of thunder and lightening and would hide under the covers at night so couldn't see it for years after. Mom found me hugging the cat and crying on the steps of basement after one such storm.
Down the street behind us lived a family (Bledso) we played with their children. Anyhow the little girl I played with died. She was about 6 or 7. I can't remember which. Mom took me to the funeral home to see her. I stood and looked. She couldn't be dead I though. She only looks like she is sleeping. So I reached out to awake her. Boy did I get a shock. I was 5 at the time. She was like a stone and so cold. I jerked back and just stared at her. It sere left a lasting impression on me for a long time. But I got over it eventually.
I can only remember one big event of going with my Dad. I vaguely remember hanging onto his hand and skipping down the street with him. I only remember that the other 3 had gone to a party and I was too young to tag along so dad took me some where. Was on Halloween.
There were 4 houses on the block, 3 beyond outs. In one of these houses lived a family named Graham.
Dad worked for Sunney Side dairy one. Another year he was given theater tickets so we could go to the Saturday Matinee at the Gayete theater. Tickets were only 10 cents at that time. That was a real treat.
When the circus came to town we got to go down and watch them unload the elephants and the animals. This was down by the old library at Elm Street and North Eastern area. This was always a delight. There was a parade through town. The circus was held over on the west side of river, where all the motels are along the river.
We had a neighbor there on 19th to the south of us who made home made brew of beer. Boys sure liked it. I tagged along. She gave me some. I drank it. So to cure us of drinking the beer she told me she put caster oil into it. I never went back for any more.
Back on 19th Street the boys were told to stay away from Railroad. One time we went up there. The boys climbed on a box car and released on of the brakes. The car took off. so did I. The boys rode it to a stop down the track and they took off. It was fun to walk the rails.
We did this quite often over the years when we went to Sunday School. Several lectures were given about playing around the tracts in S.S. Always someone would go walk the tracts on their way home.
We had one preacher we became afraid of. He was always trying to marry this young person to that one. We all got to where we avoided him when we could. Eventually he had a nervous breakdown and moved away. We were sure glad to see him go.

• Residence, 8 Apr 1930, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 12

• Residence: East 14th Street, Mar 1932, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. Then in March of 1932 Dad bought some land over off East 14th Street just off Holmes Ave. by the canal. There was no house on the land. So we lived in the tent while dad and mom built the house.
We lived 1 1/2 blocks from school so came home for lunches. One time we took our lunch because no one was home. Mom was working in potatoes. Oh those teachers sure got nasty over that one. They said the rule was not one who lived within so many blocks could take their lunch to school. Mrs. Fisher was the principle.
I can remember being paddled with a ruler in front of the whole class of first graders. Teacher had us all at the blackboard. The boy next to me said something and I said were not supposed to talk. Teacher caught me saying it. The little boy said I started it. So I was the one punished. But that cured me of getting up in front of class voluntarily for the rest of my 12 years of schooling. She later apologized for blistering my hands. But I avoided her when I could.
We had spelling bees. I was usually good in these. I won some, but most times was in top 5 of class. We had teachers who could really teach us to read and to write. One teacher absolutely refused papers that were messy, letters not formed right. He was a good teacher. In those days the teachers went from class to class in the lower 3 grades. 4 - 6 were upstairs and they got to go from room to room. That was lots of fun.
Our stage was in the basement of the school. We would have visiting firemen, policemen. An Indian Chief gave us a demonstration of war dances. Can remember when they brought famous paintings to the school for us to see. There was Little Boy Blue, and many others of the Nursery Rhymes. Mona Lisa, my favorite is the one I have a picture of on the wall. The Collie Dog and the lost sheep in the snow. There was a girl all dressed in blue as well as a boy all dressed in blue.
We played soft ball in the 4th grade and up after school or during noon hour. Hop scotch, jacks. At recess we played a lot of soccer. nothing complicated as the soccer games of today. The school covered a whole city block on 14th so we had lots of room to play in. There was a hill out front we rolled down in summer and slid down in winter. The grassy area was so huge that the American Legion band would practice there every Saturday in good weather. We could hear then play from our house. So we would get out and march too in our yard and pretend we were part of the band.
Sometimes we mashed down the empty milk cans so they would fit bottom of shoe. Then we would clomp clomp around with these. Don't know how our neighbors put up with that racket. But they did.
We had stilts to walk on. We felt tall when we had these. We saw some at the Circus. I don't remember who made them. Whether it was dad or the boys.
Dad built us a wooden toboggan. We used this to go down the canal bank. Sometimes we managed to go down and back up onto the road. The borrow pit was so wide a car could drive in it. City finally filled it in after I left home. There was a tiny grassy area in this borrow pit. I liked to go there. In spring just to see the butter cups. Was the only place they grew.
Went across alley to visit the neighbor. Their dog went mad. We were in the house at the time. Was quite scary. Hydro phobia. They had to shoot it. Sure tore through the house on its rampage. Distemper. House was east of where Colson's lived. The dog that went mad was the result of boys pouring turpentine on the private parts. It burned and the dog was in such intense pain went mad and foamed at the mouth. Dog was taken out and shot. I don't know the reason for the turpentine being applied to the dogs skin. In those days was used for other things beside paint thinner.
One whole city block was empty between 13th and 12th Street. It became the ball game center. Many a time we watched the sand lot base ball games. Sometimes we got to play too. So by time I got into 6th grade I played on the team at school. We didn't play other schools. Only the High school did this sort of thing.
We played cowboy and Indians.
We had nosy neighbor who tattled on us all the time. One time Henry built a tent and we were playing in it and it accidentally caught fire. No harm was done. But she blabbed to Mom. Mom never said anything to us.
After we learned to swim in the canal the folks saw to it we learned how at a Red Cross class in the High School pool. As we grew up friends cam over and we would all go for a swim. But we always made sure our bachelor neighbor wasn't standing at the window watching us parade up and down in our bathing suits. After he married his wife would go with us - Florence. We would walk up 3 blocks and swim down, get out on other side and go back up and come back down. The boys would visit the apple orchards so we had green apples to munch on. We liked them. Skinny dipping up around the bend so didn't go up there unless boys were with us.
Mother taught me to write letters. She would tell me what she wanted in a letter. I would sit and write while she did the ironing.
We had an old canal bridge that had supports that stuck out from under the bridge. Two to a side. One of us would get on each support and hang on for dear life and stared at the water, soon we were riding the waves. We actually felt like we were moving. So we sailed the seven seas. As I look back now this was a dangerous thing to do. We were told it was but we paid not attention. The folks were glad when we quit.
Bad winter with lots of snow up to telephone wires. Farmers used bob sleds so we would hooky bob for a ride on the sled runners over the 17th street and walk back. Horse drawn sleds. One year they let us out for a blizzard that never arrived. But the cold below zero weather did. I was still in the lower grades at the time.

Got my first library card when I was in 1st grade. used it constantly until we moved to Arizona in 1953. I was gone from April to September of 1945 out here to Washington. But still had my card. I was an avid reader. I got to where all my favorite authors soon ran out. I read very little now. Don't have the time. Sometimes we forgot books and had to pay for them. Like the time I forgot and left them at school over a Christmas Vacation of 10 days. Whoopee that was a big one. Boy was mom mad.
After church on Sunday nights we would walk down 12th street from Blvd. It was a fun street. The trees met over the top of the road. We would link arms. About 8 of us and walk in the street. Singing at the top of our lungs the songs we knew and had sung at church. Very few cars were out. When on did come along we broke in the middle and sung around like a gate. After the cars passed we closed shut again.
One year about the time school let out it started raining. I was in Junior High down on Elm street by the Library. Methodist church was on one corner across from school and Presbyterian school on other corner across from school. Mom had set a deadline as to when we had to be home from school. I waited for rain to let up, parents came after their kids. The janitor locked the doors. So I finally took out walking. It was the worst rain storm I ever saw. Came down in sheets, bounced off sidewalk. In minutes I was soaked to the skin, we had to pay for my school books. They were soaked even through I had them under my coat.
We were warned never to ride with strangers. This police car stopped and the two officers insisted I get in. I kept refusing until they told me that since they were the police it was safe to do so. They took me home. I was just turning from Blvd. onto 12th Street. So still had 14 blocks yet to go. I worried all way home what people would say about my being in a police car. I got the back seat all wet. Also what Mom would say. She assured me it was fine. But that I should have just ran across to the library and stayed there until it let up and then came home. I would have been just as wet had I gone to the library. That is the only time I've ever road in a police car.
Mom had us learning how to iron. The plug was round and hard to get out of the socket. So I took a silver knife and pried it out. Melted a "V" in the knife. I only got bit. I dropped the knife in a hurry. So when the teacher at school put the pliers into a socket made especially with a very low voltage to teach about electricity and what could do. I wouldn't join in the class. Girls would giggle and boys made jokes about the current as went through them. They held hands and it went the circle. After my experience with the knife there was no way he could get me in the group. I never did tell him why either.
Another time and it was silly too. We were over at a girl friends house. They had electricity to all their out houses on the place. I flipped a switch and nothing happened. The girl came over and said there was a short in the switch and no electricity went through the socket. I looked in the socket and put my finger into it. Wow! I got bit again for the second time in my life. First time I was 5. This time I was old enough to know better. The girl thought it was so funny she ran in and told what I'd done. Her dad cam running out to see if I had hurt myself. Only my pride was hurt because she ran and told. He gave me a hug and a pat on the shoulder and took away the stung pride by a few nice words. Mozelle and I left and came home. They lived on Lincoln road. So we had a long way to walk.
In those days long walks like this were taken on weekends. Many a time we walked down to end of 14th street, up along canal bank to the Lincoln road and on out to our friends (Bob, Lillian, Duane, Burdette) who lived one block east and north of the Lincoln store on the Lincoln Ammon, Iona road. They would bring us home after supper. Sometimes us kids spent the night there. We would sleep out on the lawn and watch for falling stars.
A favorite pass time was to watch the fluffy white clouds form patterns of animals, birds, etc. for the sky. We would try to out do each other in what we saw form in the clouds.
I remember one eclipse of the Sun. Mom got out all these negatives. She smoked glass with soot from the stove and we could only glance at the Sun and the shadow crossed over. We saw several eclipses of the moon. Was a big event.
The most boring times were on Saturday nights when we got all dressed up to go down to stand on street corner. Folks called it window shopping and they would visit with people. My legs would get to hurting. The time would drag. Mozelle was just as bored as I was. We were always glad when it was time to go home.
Sometimes we didn't go with them. We would sneak out the window and go play with neighbor kids until we figured they would be getting home and sometimes they would beat us home. So we sneaked back into house through the screen. Folks never ever said anything but next day the screen was back in place with tacks. Oh yes, the neighbor (? ) blabbed. Mom didn't say a word. They had already been in the house and knew we were out playing, so she told me years later. We called the old lady a battle ax. She talked when we got food out of the garden to eat or if went to the different neighbors. So we avoided her whenever we could.
I sang in the choir at church from Junior High on until high school. After choir practice two of the neighbor girls, Mozelle and I would walk home singing all the way. I was in one operetta at school. Pirates of Pinnace. Was in the chorus.
One time all of us young people crowed into one pew in the back of church. We got to giggling and suddenly the pew broke. That was the end of all the young people using the three back rows of the church. This was the old First Baptist Church that was on the corner of same block north of old library. It was torn out and Cornel Sanders went in there.
In Junior High our grade would have use of auditorium. Here we had class sing alongs. There were three sections. Each would out do the other or one section would whistle, the other would hum and the center would sing. Boys whistled and girls sang. We always looked forward to these assembly times. Most fun was the rounds of 3 Blind Mice or Row Row Your Boat. It always left us laughing.
Since we lived on 14th St. we had to come home for lunch. Was a mile home and a mile back to school. I sure had the leg aches and the stitches in my side. In winter I had the hives. Only a very few times did we carry our lunch and the teachers always made such a stink about it we didn't do so. One block over the kids road the school bus. This made no difference. Bag lunches were only for those who rode bus.
Dad had a car. But we didn't often get to ride in it. He would pass us by rather than stop and pick us up. He did that to me once when a few minutes later I heard this police siren. He got a ticket for going through a stop sign. At the time I felt it served him right. For the minute he spotted me his nose went
up in the air and he sailed right on by.
I vaguely remember the time dad got hurt on power dam washout. The neighbor came over while Mom went to hospital. Reason I remember the incident is I got up on the table and played on the table. She quoted Mable Mabel played on the table "Mable Mabel fell down because she wasn't able."
Also I remember Mom at the sewing machine sewing. She gave me a few pieces of material. I went and tied one around the cat's neck for a ribbon. Also I used to dress the cat up in doll clothes and wheeled it around in the buggy. Then when it tired of the game would take off its clothes and let it go. It liked to be wrapped in a blanket and be rocked like one did a baby. So I entertained myself this way when kids were in school.
We didn't often see the relatives. I can remember when Uncle Dan came to see us.
Then cousin Leroy and his brother Jim and a friend came. They hitch hiked out from Colorado where they lived.
In 1936 we made a trip back to see all the relatives. Was the only time. I was 11 at the time. A few incidents stayed with me. In one place we went through sand hills to get to a place. Another time we were in a fog so dense one couldn't see down the road.
Dad had gotten a 1929 ford. They strapped a trunk onto can and loaded back floor with blankets so that two of us rode forward and two backward. Mom said we quarreled a lot. We were gone for two weeks to Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska across Wyoming and home via Jackson, Wyoming and Palisades area. Was a long trip.
In one place we went swimming in a mud hole of red soil. We had red clothing and hair when we got out. Don't remember was Colorado or Oklahoma. But think was Colorado. At Grandparents (French) all I can remember of that place was Grandma's hair. Mozelle said Grandpa made such a fuss about our PJ's. He felt women shouldn't wear long pants.
At Oswego, Kansas, the boys called macaroni worms. Aunt Anne laughed when she say my expression. She patted me on the hand and told me to never mind their teasing and eat my lunch.
One place Mozelle and I slept on kitchen floor by the gas stove. I had never seen one before the fire (pilot light) sure worried me. I was never at ease around gas after that night.
I remember being at Aunt Lola's. Lola Belle was the baby. I put her bonnet on and went to show Mama how I looked in it. Aunt Lola go so mad. She snatched it off my head and told me never to do it again.
We sure put the relatives through. One place we had a water fight. We drew water up out of a well or cistern. Got chewed out for that. We didn't know what a water shortage was. Our water came out of pipe in middle of garden. Had to be carried in by the bucket. Also had canal water to wash hair in.
First time I was told to plan a meal and cook a dish I went out and picked peas and I thought gooseberries would go nice with peas so I picked some too. Yuck. Mom said I picked green currents.
I can remember eating green gooseberries and breaking out in giant hives afterwards. so ended that foraging of the gooseberry plants.
We would search the carrot patch for the best carrot we could find. Up it came, chomp chomp chomp. Oh those carrots out of the garden were so good. mom laughed about it in later years when we mentioned the fact. She was always telling us to stay out of the garden. She said she knew this was one way of getting us to eat the raw carrots. It helped to thin the carrots so were plenty large one later on.
The row peas were good. We would watch dad. When he would stand and eat the peas we would then get our share of the raw peas in the pod. When the Rhubarb came in for its share of being chewed on raw. We liked the sour taste.
Most interesting was when Mom put the corn out to dry in boxes or pans covered with wire or cheese cloth to dry. This was chewy. Like all the rest my little hands found a few kernels to eat. Some with dried apples.
The only thing Mom raised I didn't like was okra. When she cooked it it was slimy. Yuck. Bob is the only one who likes Okra. He considers it a delicacy. They always raised one row of popcorn. It was on one side of garden and regular corn on other side. Otherwise the two would have cross pollinated. Once in a while they did. Dad would harvest the popcorn around Halloween time. Hang it up in his shed. Then in winter would pop it over the hot stove. This was always a treat.
One time dad made this huge dish pan full of chili. We weren't supposed to have any. He made it for one of the girls of the man he worked for. She didn't come so he ate it. Got sick afterwards. But when his back was turned our spoons were there to taste the forbidden food. So we managed to get a few bites of chili. Dad could make good chili.
Dad played juice harp and mouth organ once in a while for us. He would sing one or two songs. Was on rare occasions. But we enjoyed them when he did. Most of time he just ignored us kids. One time he didn't though. Neighbor boys were standing on their shed calling us dirty names. He sure yelled at them. After that they let us alone.
One time I was writing a letter, while Mom was ironing, to grandma French. Dad was outside spreading manure from Frank Keefer's barn yard next door east of us. I asked Mom how to spell manure. She said No! No! tell grandma dad is spreading sand on the lawn. You will hurt her sensitivity if you say
manure. So I wrote what she said too. Have chuckled over this. You see grandma didn't like the down to earth name for fertilizer. At the time I was sure puzzled why but one must realize women were protected in those days. When she grew up dignified ladies didn't use such terms.
There used to be a swinging bridge across willow creek. Mozelle, Bob and Henry crossed over it so I followed along behind. Just as I got in the middle Henry swayed the bridge. I dropped my bucket of worms and had to crawl across the bridge. I was so dizzy after that when I was on a swinging bridge. He took great delight in waying the bridge. So cured me of getting on one when he was around.
One time we were blackberrying up over Heise in the Kelly's Canyon area. We were eating more than we were putting into our buckets. Suddenly a bear growl sounded behind us. Mozelle and I turned and ran back to camp to safety. Later dad came in laughing. He was the bear that growled. Later Henry and Bob came back to camp with a tale of seeing a bear cub. They said there were bear in the area so we packed up and came home.
We had sand hills south east of Idaho Falls. Folks would take us out there once in a while to play. Was fun to slide down the sand hills. We made a day of it. sand was warm to our feet.
We tried to take you children up into area where we camped and fished when I was a girl. Grays Lake area Palisades camp ground, Bone Willow Creek, What they called the Elk creek area. Skyline Drive through the foot hills from Lincoln to Swan Valley.
We went on several church picnics up by John Hole Bridge. All countryside and no houses. Folks also took us picnicking along west bank of Snake River.

I'll never forget my first mickey fin. I went with my girl friend into a bar after work. She was a married girl and her husband was in service so I didn't think anything about it. She said she was looking for her dad. She introduced me to these two young men and I ordered a coke. It was bitter. I complained
about it being so. She said was suppose to taste that way. So I drank it. They took us to her home where I was spending the night and they left. Well I nearly passed out. She called her brother-in-law. They walked me around the block. He sure chewed her out. All morning next day I was so happy laughing and singing on the job. Then in afternoon I felt so let down. After they told me what had happened I never drank again nor have I been in a bar. I kind of avoided palling around with the girl after that.
We had fun times at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Someone would fix up a wagon (horse drawn) with straw and we went around gathering food. We did this a few times in my teen years. At Christmas we would go caroling this way. If there was snow the wagon had runners otherwise had tires on the wheels. Somewhere we would gather for hot chocolate with marshmallows afterwards.
We didn't have much money as we grew up during the lean years of country's history of the great depression.
Had a penny in my shoe. I talked about it in my sleep. Mozelle was asking about it. I came awake enough to hear her so said not it was only a half penny.
When I was in 3rd grade we played follow the leader in back yard. There was a board there. The rest would go around it. I wondered why. So I walked on the board. I found out why. The rusty nail went through my shoe into my foot. I got blood poisoning out of it. So missed a few days of school. Had to
soak foot in Epson salt water.
Dad and Mom, Bob and Lillian went duck hunting. Boys went too. They said they were driving along. All of a sudden a wheel went sailing past them down the road. Yup one of the rear wheels
had come off the car. What a weird feeling that must have been, or what a shock to see a wheel from your car go sailing by. Mom said she and Lilian swung their weight toward opposite side of car until dad brought car under control. They watched the wheel sail over the fence and head straight towards a bay window. Just before it hit the window it flopped over and lay flat. So they didn't have to pay for a broken window.
I can remember my first date. The young man gave me his picture and some candy. Even a flower. He lived down at east end of street, last block before bend in Canal. There were three blocks (two beyond us). He invited me to go to the show with him. Mom said I could go. So he ran home to tell his mom. So she came down and the arrangements were made. The young man came, escorted by his mom as driver. We got into back seat, did Donald and I and were grandly driven down town 1 1/2 miles away to the show. Here we were dropped off. Watched the movie. Came out to find his mom there to escort us back home again. Donald was 10 and I was 8. But oh what fun that was. Donald Benscooter.

• Residence: 543 E. 14th, 15 Apr 1940, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 19

• Education: High School, 16 May 1944. 20

• Residence: K St., Feb 1945, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States.

• Residence, Mar 1945, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States.

• Residence: K St., May 1945, Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, United States.

• Residence: L St., Jul 1945, Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, United States.

• Residence: 335 Garfield Street, 17 May 1946, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 8

• Occupation: Housewife, 27 Apr 1947. 9

• Residence: 335 Garfield, 29 Apr 1947, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 9

• Residence: 335 Garfield, 1949, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 21

• Residence: Utah Auto Court, South Yellowstone Highway, Dec 1950, Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho, United States. 22

• Residence: 335 Garfield, 31 May 1951, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 10

• Residence: 335 Garfield, 1952, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 23

• Residence: Friendly Ackers, Dec 1952, Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, United States. 22

• Residence: Travelers Inn, 4433 E. Vanburen, Dec 1953-Jan 1954, Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, United States. 22

• Residence: 1755 S. Lee Ave, 1954, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 24

• Residence: Uncle Toms Cabin, Highway 89, Jan 1954, Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, United States. 22

• Residence: Colonial Motel, Jan 1954-Feb 1954, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 22

• Residence: 1755 South Lee, Feb 1954, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 11

• Residence: 315 3rd Street, Feb 1954-Sep 1957, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 25

• Residence: 543 3rd Street, Sep 1957-Jun 1965, Iona, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. 22

• Residence: 1450 33Rd St. S.E., 11 Oct 1986, Auburn, King, Washington, United States. 6

• Residence: 515 E. Scenic Drive, 1987, The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon, United States. 26

• Residence: 507 E. Main Street, 1989, Goldendale, Klickitat, Washington, United States. 26

• Residence: 1015 Webber Street, 29 Oct 2007, The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon, United States. 15

• Cremation: Spencer, Libby & Powell Funeral Home, 31 Oct 2007, The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon, United States. 15 27

Leona married Freeman Earl Rathbun, son of Jesse Adam Rathbun and Tishie Abigail Freeman, on 13 Feb 1945 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States.1 2 3 (Freeman Earl Rathbun was born on 6 Dec 1906 in Sedan, Chautauqua, Kansas, United States,1 6 7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 died on 11 Oct 1986 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington, United States 1 6 32 33 and was cremated on 16 Oct 1986 in Sumner, Pierce, Washington, United States 35.). The cause of his death was Cerebral Embolus, Bilateral due to Encephalitis.


1 Price-Helton Funeral Chapel, Auburn, Washington 98002, Newspaper Obituary notice for Freeman E. Rathbun (Name: Auburn Globe, Oct 12, 1986;). Source Medium: Letter
Source Quality: Copy of Original

2 Bonneville, Idaho, No. 164187, Freeman E. Rathbun-Leona Hope Jackson, 1945; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

3 Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College (Rexburg, Idaho), "Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996," database, Ancestry. com (www. ancestry.com : accessed 26 Jan 2011), Leona Hop Jackson and Freeman E. Rahbun; Ancestry.com; This record can be found in the marriage book at the County Courthouse located in Clearwater Co., Idaho in Volume 1 on Page 111.

4 Newspaper Obituary notice for Henry Jackson (Name: Post Register New Paper, Idaho Falls, Idaho;). Source Medium: Newspaper

5 Idaho Department of Public Welfare, Bureau of Vital statistics, birth certificate 129250 (1925), Leona Hope Jackson; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

6 Washington State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, death certificate 146-8 (1986), Freeman E. Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

7 Idaho Division of Vital Statistics, birth certificate 111-49-000367 (1949), Paul Wayne Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

8 Idaho State Bureau of Vital Statistics, amended birth certificate 913-117010-113 (issued 1946), Jesse Earl Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

9 Idaho State Bureau of Vital Statistics, birth certificate 913-127010-113 (1947), Logan John Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

10 Idaho Division of Vital statistics, birth certificate 913-231-010-113 (1951), Beverly Ann Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

11 Idaho Division of Vital Statistics, birth certificate 111-54-0 (1954), Jeanne Marie Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

12 1930 U.S. census, Bonneville, Idaho, population schedule, Idaho Falls, enumeration district (ED) 17, p. 2B, dwelling 35, family 35, Hope Jackson; digital images, Ancestry (Ancestry.com : accessed 13 February 2009); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T626, roll 397.

13 Social Security Administration, "Social Secuirty Death Index," database, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 26 Jan 2011), entry for Leona Hope Rathbun, 2007.

14 "Oregon, Death Index, 1898-2008," database, Ancestry (www.ancestry.com : accessed 30 May 2012), Leona H. Rathbun; Ancestry.com.

15 Oregon Oregon Department of Human Services, Center for Health Statistics, death certificate 494853 (2007), Leona Hope Rathbun.

16 Idaho Division of Vital Statistics, death certificate State File No.: 2334, Local Reg. No.: 155, Reg. Dist. 610 (1949), Paul Wayne Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

17 Idaho Department of Public Welfare, Bureau of Vital statistics, birth certificate 129250 (1925), Leona Hope Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

18 Win-Quatt Crematory (The Dalles, Oregon) to Jeanne Malcolm, Date of Death; privately held by Jesse E. Rathbun, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Georgetown, Kentucky, 16 August 2008.

19 1940 U.S. census, Bonneville, Idaho, population schedule, Idaho Falls, enumeration district (ED) 10-18A, sheet 13, p. 13A, household 543, L. Hope Jackson; digital images, Ancestry (www.ancestry.com : accessed 6 Apr 2012); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T627.

20 Commencement Exercises Progam, Class of 1944, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Otis E. Bell Junior High School Auditorium.

21 Polk's Idaho Falls (Bonneville County, Idaho) City Directory 138; digital images, Ancestry www.ancestry.com : accessed 26 Jan 2011.

22 Compiled service record, Address; DD Form 398; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

23 Polk's Idaho Falls (Bonneville County, Idaho) City Directory, 1952: 226; digital images, Ancestry www.ancestry.com : accessed 26 Jan 2011.

24 Polk's Idaho Falls (Bonneville County, Idaho) City Directory, 1954: 262; digital images, Ancestry www.ancestry.com : accessed 26 Jan 2011.

25 Idaho Falls, Idaho, City Directory, 1957, 1957: 355; digital images, Ancestry www.ancestry.com : accessed 30 May 2012.

26 Ancestry.com, U.S. Public Records Index (Name: The Generations Network, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA), Volume 1.

27 Win-Quatt Crematory (The Dalles, Oregon) to Jeanne Malcolm; privately held by Jesse E. Rathbun, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Georgetown, Kentucky, 16 August 2008.

28 Chautauqua Co., Heritage Association, editor, Chautauqua County, Kansas, Volume 1 (Kansas: Chautauqua County, Heritage Association, 1987), Volume 1: 627; Jesse Adam Rathbun was the youngest son of George Marshall and Tamar Ann Rathbun. He was born August 17, 1880, in Chautauqua County. He met and married Tishie Abigail Freeman while she was visiting relativesin Sedan. Tishie was born February 12, 1880, in Grant City, Missouri. Her parents were George and Anna Jane Freeman.
Jesse and Tishie Rathbun lived all their married lives in Sedan. Six children were born to this union. Freeman Earl was born December 6, 1906. Freeman Hylas arrived on October 19, 1908. Rosa Olive was born January 21, 1911, and John Freeman was born April 26, 1913. A baby girl named Pauline was born March 7, 1915, but lived only a few days. Olin Freeman arrived November 29, 1920. All the boys were given their mother's maiden name as part of their names. Earl and Hylas have Freeman for their first names and John and Olin have Freeman for their middle names.
All of the children attended Sedan public schools but soon after quiting school they moved away from Sedan. Earl, John, and Olin served inWorld War II and Hylas worked in a defense plant in Toledo, Oregon. At the close of the war, Earl and John settled in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Olin stayed at home with his mother, but after her death, he and his wife moved to Idaho Falls.
Earl met and married Hope Jackson in Idaho Falls, they had five children, Jesse Earl, Logan John, Paul Wayne (who lived but a few months), Bererly Ann, and Jeannie. Hylas went to New Mexico where he met and married Myrtle Elizabeth Wells of Van Houten, New Mexico. Myrtle was in Albuquerque attending business college at the time they met. They had three children, Mary Jane, Elizabeth Ann, and Daniel DeLancy. Olive married Jake Hilty and they had one daughter, Lois Rae. John married Norma Stevens, a girl he met in South Dakota while he was in the service. Olin married Barbara Osburn, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Osburn of Peru, Kansas, and later moved to Idaho.
The Jesse Rathbun family was very active in the First Baptist Church of Sedan where all of them were members. Jesse worked as a pumper in the oil fields, and a rural mail carrier and ran the village blacksmith, a trade he passed on to his son Hylas. The old blacksmith shop waslocated on the back part of the lot where the Sedan State Bank is now. Jesse was still working as a blacksmith at the time of his death January 20, 1948. Tishie died December 25, 1954. They are both buried in Greenwood
Cemetery in Sedan.

29 Kansas State Board of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Delayed Certificate of Birth 002405 (1942), Freeman Earl Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

30 Freeman Earl Rathbun - Date of Birth; Birth place, "Personnel Security Questionnaire"; __ AEC-1 (3-56); United States Atomic Energy Commission; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown.

31 "National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.," database(accessed 31 Mar 2010), Freeman E. Rathbun; Ancestry.com.

32 Social Security Administration, "Social Secuirty Death Index," database, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 30 May 2012), entry for Freeman Rathbun, 1986.

33 "U. S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010," database, Ancestry (www.ancestry.com : accessed 6 Oct 2013), Freeman Rathbun; Ancestry.com.

34 1910 U.S. census, Chautauqua, Kansas, population schedule, Sedan, enumeration district (ED) 10, sheet 7, p. 7B, dwelling 112, family 113, Earl F. Rathburn; digital images (accessed 25 Jan 2012); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T624, roll 433.

35 Washington State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, death certificate 146-8 (1986), Freeman E. Rathbun; Jesse E. Rathbun, Georgetown; Freeman Earl Rathbun was buried at Sea, off Dash Point State Park, Washington.

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